
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Out of the nest's year in review; 2013

I did so much in 2013. I went places, saw things, learned and found some new things I love. Spent time with my family and friends, started to focus on my health and accepted that failure just means another chance to try harder.

I started the year off in Copenhagen, Denmark with a fireworks show, massive crowds and a huge love of life. In the middle of my travel adventure I couldn't have been happier. Within January I also visited Belgium, France, England, Scotland and The Netherlands.

Once home I got readjusted to life here and started looking for the next thing for me.
I got a new job and spent my spare time searching for my first apartment.

Chad and I found a place we love and moved in. I'm still working on it, adjusting little things, gathering furniture and trying to create "home."

I picked up running again and did Color Me Rad 5K

I discovered my new love of cosplay and comic cons. I made 2 costumes and am excited to make more.

Over the summer Chad and I celebrated 5 years together and Visited Drumheller and Calgary. I went to Regina to celebrate my grandparents 50th anniversary and spent a day in Jasper with some of my family.

I got to meet my second niece finally and I'm so in love with her. Being an auntie is the greatest! And being an auntie to 2 perfect little girls is even better!!

I've started to look forward to another trip that will hopefully happen summer 2014. You will just have to wait to hear more on that one though!

In October I overcame a personal obstacle and celebrated my 22nd birthday!

December brought what it always does. Craziness and family time. Christmas. Shopping. Over indulging. And a first for me, spending the holiday with one of the nieces. I love that I get to be a kid again when I'm with her. We even pulled out my Barbie's!

And while we are still here, I should mention, this blog has 95 posts for 2013! I truly hope you have enjoyed reading them. I can't wait for what this next year has in store, here's hoping it's amazing!
Happy New Year!!

If you want to see what happened in 2012, it's right here!

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