
Monday, November 4, 2013

The pumpkin patch

Horrible disaster!!

This post had so much potential to be cute and festive until I went over to look at our pumpkins and found that they had turned bad and furry in a matter of hours. And when I say bad, I mean bad. I tried to pick them up to put them in trash bags and they fell apart in my hands and made a nasty, mushy, wet, smelly mess. I then went into instant panic and clean mode. Damn pumpkins! And damn condo for ruining all produce!!!

Anyway, lets go back to the beginning.
I am a very festive person. I love all holidays. I love to decorate and spend time with the people I love most. At this time of year, that means carving pumpkins.

We bought 3, 1 for Chad to carve and 2 for me.. because I love it.
We also made a stop at the dollar store to see if we could find a cheap carving kit so we weren't using the good kitchen knives, and since we didn't find one, we bought cheapo pairing knives. They did just fine.

Best part first, cutting the top of and digging the guts out. I love it. Its like taking the neck, heart, etc.. out of a turkey... I like that too..
With all the seeds collected for roasting and the goopy stringy stuff discarded, we got to the carving.

Chad chose a Star Wars approach, naturally. It turned out good
I did Harry Potter for my first one. And Wonder Woman for my second.




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