
Saturday, November 2, 2013

Tea party; 22nd Birthday!

Having fallen significantly behind in my October blogging due to a busy schedule and broken wi-fi I should have quite a few posts up soon!

Firstly, it was my 22nd birthday on October 23rd and to show the world just how much of an adult I am now, I threw myself a pink themed tea party. My best girlfriends and I piled into my little condo for cake and games, dressed in dresses of course.

Surprisingly, and disappointingly, I took very few photos of the day.

I spent a few days before the party putting up some cheesy decorations and making myself a cake, shopping for snacks, moving furniture and cleaning. Deciding which dress to wear and painting my nails was in there too..

A partially decorated room..

It was a good time. The baby played with balloons, the girls and I ate and chatted and played Cranium.. Chad hid upstairs.

To end the night off, 1 friend and I skipped over to our favorite pub for a few drinks and a game of darts. Our favorite game.
Waking up the next day didn't feel all to great but it was a good party!


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