
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Paleo week 2

This week has definitely been much harder than last week. In fact, it would be safe to say it tried hard to kick my ass, and may have succeeded just a bit..
I was in a full-on painful sugar withdrawal. Really bad throbbing headaches, head rushes and a big drop in energy. By 6pm everyday I was crashing hard and mostly just wanted to sleep. The withdrawals bring cravings with them. Cravings that take over the day and all my thoughts and left me totally exhausted. I just wanted sugar!!!

By mid-week I caved and cheated just the tiniest bit. Chad and I went for sushi and I had mochi. I can't say I felt bad about it, or that it really affected me, but in my head it was a little boost that I needed. And obviously so tasty.

I'm always looking up new recipes now and trying to find ways to eat the foods I love, but have them be better for me. I made 2 treats and as far as I'm concerned, they are guilt free. Not to say they should be eaten all at once, which I may or may not have done with one of them.......

The first thing I made was a mixed berry crumble. Essentially it was fruit and nuts. There is also a little maple syrup, lemon juice, cinnamon, honey and coconut oil. Like I said, guilt free.
If you'd like to try this one out, you will need a cake pan. Whatever size you want. Some mixed berries (4 cups) laid in the bottom and half a lemon squeezed over them. In a bowl mix 1 cup almond flour, 1/4 cup chopped nuts of your choice, 1/4 cup melted coconut oil, 2 tbsp maple syrup, 1/4 tsp cinnamon and a pinch of salt.
Layer the nut mix over the fruit and bake on 375F for 30-40 minutes until the fruit bubbles at the edge and the crust is brown.

Next I made a banana loaf with pumpkin and blueberries. Just trust me when I say it was phenomenal. You will have to wait for another day to learn to make it though!

And lastly, my mornings have changed significantly since I can no longer have the fast and simple cereal, oatmeal or yogurt with fruit. I've been getting up pretty much every morning to make scrambled eggs with mixed veggies. I can happily say that even though it takes more time and is more dishes, it keeps me full longer. Always a good thing.

Even though the week sucked, I'm very content to carry on and make this work for me. I hope it does!

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