
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Paleo week 1

Week 1 of my transition to paleo went very well. I wasn't missing anything, I felt good and I was feeling strong. So far the biggest difference is that I really have to make some extra time in the day to cook because you can't just grab a package of something and throw it in the microwave.

As of week 1, the most difficult thing was shopping. Reading all the labels and ingredients on everything. As well, it's harder to be away from home if I'm not prepared because I can't just pick or order anything that appeals any more. I basically became a little old lady always carrying snacks in my purse..

Throughout the whole week I was feeling excited for this new change. Nothing but good feelings toward it. I was rewarded with losing just under ten pounds.. That is obviously somewhat excessive and not necessarily realistic, but it speaks volumes to how much and what I was eating before. But no means do I expect to continue to lose weight like this, nor do I want to.

Another big thing is that I've really had to make room in my day for food prep and cooking. I have to wake up earlier every morning so I have time to make myself breakfast. Anything that requires me to pull out a frying pan is going to take longer than scooping yogurt or pouring cereal and milk.

Throughout the week I tried making a few different things and they all turned out quite good. Most notably, I cooked my first chicken! I usually just have chicken breast or thigh.. this time I had the whole bird! It wasn't burnt or dry or anything!!!

It's actually now the beginning of week 3, but I'm hoping to keep updating this as I can, partly as a journal and partly to share with others.
See you soon!

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