
Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island

I can’t say exactly what has been happening with my blog this year, but I haven’t felt super drawn to it. I have my moments, I’ll write a whole bunch, post it, and act like I’ll continue to do so, but then life gets in the way and I get busy. Busy doing nothing in particular and nothing worth writing about. I also frequently write posts, finish them to about 75% and then leave them in my drafts. I'm sure one day they'll be finished and posted.

All that aside, it is almost vacation time and that is my favorite time to write. Partly because I like to share but also because going back, re-reading and re-living these trips is one of my favorite things to do.

Ryan and I leave for the Maritimes (yes, again) on Saturday and I cannot wait! We will be gone for 10 days and 11 nights and that seems simultaneously like a nice long trip and also like it's hardly anytime at all.

This year we will spend the majority of our time visiting Prince Edward Island and just a few days in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Here’s the plan:

We arrive at 7am the day before Thanksgiving. We have reserved a rental car and will be headed straight for Barrington to visit Ryan’s family, probably with a stop along the way for treats at Lahave Bakery. We will spend 2 days and 2 nights in the area before moving on.

Stop number 2 is Moncton, New Brunswick. We should be meeting up with my brother and his family for the evening. I haven’t seen my niece since 2015 when we visited and I’ve never met my nephew who will be 3 this month. While we are in New Brunswick we are also planning a trip to St Martin’s to see the sea caves at low tide; hopefully the tide times will work for us!

After a short stay in NB we will make our way to PEI where I expect to be quite busy but will also hopefully have a bit of relaxation. So far our plans include Cow’s ice cream, Moo Moo grilled cheese, visiting Green Gables, Thunder Cove and driving tip-to-tip on the island. I found what looks like a very nice home on AirBnB and we will stay there the whole time, taking daily road trips.

Finally, we will head back to Nova Scotia and spend a day each in Cape Breton and Halifax with a short stop in between to visit my Nanny in Truro. 1 day is not enough for Cape Breton, but I couldn't go to Nova Scotia in October and miss out on the fall colors throughout the Cape Breton Highlands national park. I'm hoping to get to Inverness, Meat Cove and maybe Baddeck. As for Halifax, in our 3 previous visits we have never spent more than a few hours in the city and never spent the night. I really love Halifax and can't wait to spend some time there this time (mostly eating..)

As I always do, I will be writing all about what we see and do on this trip so keep an eye out for more posts!

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