
Monday, January 2, 2017

Goals for 2017 - Review of 2016

It's that time of year again and since I've been doing this for a few years, I'm going to do it again now! Here's a little review of last year’s goals and some new ones for 2017.

In 2016 I planned to: 
  • FINALLY go to Iceland
  • Start doing yoga again
  • Find a “permanent” job
  • Continue to minimize my belongings
  • Save a significant amount of money
  • Take a trip alone
  • Go on more NEW adventures
  • Learn to scuba dive
  • Be less concerned about getting dirty
  • Slow down. Life is not a race.

I have to say, unfortunately, I didn't do very well with my goals this year. I did not go to Iceland, take a trip alone, learn to scuba dive or slow down. I suppose that's only 4 out of 10 though.

That being said, 2 items were attempted but not what I would consider to be fully successful. I did start yoga again, but only for 1 month. I got rid of a few things and didn't get too many new things so I'm still going in the right direction for minimalism.

And that just leaves the successes. I have been working at the same job for 15 months and as of January 22, 2017 it will officially be permanent. Because of that, saving has been going great! I went on new adventures throughout Alberta and Nova Scotia, and during the trip to Nova Scotia I enjoyed myself so much that I didn't mind in the slightest that I got soaked and dirty on the beach while fully clothed.

My goals for 2017!!
  • Make a stronger, active effort to minimize. 
    Get rid of things. Be realistic about what I want vs. need. Don't bring in new things. Also be realistic about what to keep or get rid of. "I maybe might eventually want to use/wear that" isn't a good enough reason to keep it. 
  • Travel more - mini trips
    I recently saw on facebook someone asking if it was "worth it" to take longer distance trips, for short amounts of time if you don't get much paid time off. (Side note - the idea of paid time of is still mind blowing to me..) I've always though that it wouldn't necessarily be really worthwhile, but in the end would I rather sit at home doing nothing with the days off I do get, or have a potentially amazing experience in just a few days?? Starting this year, I'm going to let those mini trips rule and really enjoy the time I do have off!
    **look for a post on my hopeful destinations soon!**
  • Get my scuba diving certification. 
    This will stay on the list until it has been achieved! I found the class I would like to take, but finding it in the fall time meant the outdoor dives would have been too cold when I was actually able to take the course. Hopefully this summer it will work out.
  • Pay closer attention to myself
    Write things down. Be more present. Keep better track. My doctor just asked me if I get tired a lot and I said no, but to be honest, I don't pay close enough attention to know for sure when I'm "didn't sleep enough" tired and when I'm "don't have energy even though I sleep and eat well" tired. I'd like to be a little more in tune with what's going on with me.
  • Continue saving, but also figure out what I'm saving for. 
    I've been working at saving money for a long while now and to be honest, I have no idea what for. I know, I should consider that one day I'd like to retire, and maybe I'll want a new car some day, kids won't be cheap, etc etc.. but what do I really want? I actually find it difficult to buy anything with my savings, I'd prefer to leave them alone and find a way to purchase what I need with just what's on my pay cheque. That being said, what's the point of saving if I won't spend a little now and then?! I'd like to have a basic idea about what I want in the future. 
  • Mini money saving
    Still on the money train, I would also like to save separately for specific things to help keep me motivated towards achieving those things. If scuba diving will cost me $500 than I'd like to make a special pot to save that $500. 
  • Learn about my camera
    On this front, I received a book all about photography and cameras for Christmas and I can't wait to start exploring it! I love to take photos and I'm happy to just press buttons until it looks appealing to my eye, but it would be equally nice to know what I'm doing when I do press those buttons
  • Find a home for myself in the fitness world
    I’ve done a few different things when it comes to fitness and I’ve enjoyed them all, however if the location, studio, teacher or atmosphere aren’t right for me then it just doesn’t work. Also, the longer I stay away, the harder it seems to get back into. I know where I would prefer to run, box and do yoga and none of those places are available to me anymore so I’m having to start again. I did yoga for a month at a new studio and though I liked the classes the schedule doesn’t work for me.
I've set a few "tiny tasks" for myself as well. They aren't really goals per-say, more of things for me to work on, change, learn or achieve in a smaller sense.

-I would like to eat more fruit and vegetables everyday; read - be a better vegetarian.
-Get my nose pierced.
-Re-learn proper cursive writing. I have a basic idea but there are a few letters that I can't ever remember how to do.
-Organize, and when necessary, discard digital photos.
-Print my favourite photos and put them in scrapbooks or albums.
-Create blog income.
-Sort through everything I own.

And that is all. Those are my goals and plans for 2017.

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