
Thursday, January 12, 2017

1 Year as a Pescatarian

I have officially survived my first year as a pescatarian.For anyone who doesn't know what that is, it's like being vegetarian (which I usually refer to myself as) but I still eat fish and seafood.

People asking me why I don't eat meat is a pretty frequent occurrence so I'm going to clear it up for everyone here and now.
I was bored.
Yes, you read that right, I was bored. I got to a point where anytime I was eating red meat or poultry I would put it in my mouth and then have no desire to chew it. It's a pretty bizarre reason to completely change the way I look at food but it seemed the right direction for me.

I can honestly say that I don't miss eating meat at all. Once in a while I'll get a momentary craving because of something I see or smell, but other than that I'm pretty content. The only thing I was a bit "concerned" about missing out on was Christmas turkey and that turned out just fine. I eat soy-based faux meats to help with my protein intake and also keep food more exciting so I was able to bring my own vegetarian turkey to Christmas dinner.

On that note I can happily report that my most favourite food group has been unaffected by this whole change. Baked goods. I realize that isn't really a food group but for me it might as well be. I could very happily live on cupcakes and scones forever more.

What I have determined to be my biggest advantage of changing the way I eat is that it caused me to become more creative and adventurous and also has me cooking more at home because it is easier than going out.

Ryan and I have started eating a lot more vegetables with our meals and even having meals that are almost entirely veggies. I like to think this makes me healthier.

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