
Monday, October 31, 2016

Lost; Edmonton Corn Maze

The other day Ryan and I wanted to check out the Edmonton Corn Maze and so we did.

During last year’s adventure at the maze we did pretty well except for one area that we got hopelessly lost in for way to long so I was feeling good about this year, that can’t happen two years in a row, can it?

The first and very obvious difference between this year’s trip and last was that it was absolutely packed. We were one of only a handful of cars last year and now there are hundreds.

I guess we shouldn’t have been shocked though since it was the weekend and an absolutely beautiful day.

After paying our admission we followed the hoards of people onto the grounds ready to get lost in the maze.

We took a picture of the "map" which is an aerial view of the maze and shows off the amazing designs that are created every year. In a pinch, if you can figure it out, this map is really helpful to get you moving.

At the entrance to the maze are quizzes for people to bring along. When you find the #1 post, the answer to the question will tell you if you should go right or left. After a few years of experience, I've decided it's always best to grab more than one quiz and the second one should be something you think will be easy. Keep that as a back-up in case you really can't figure out the answer to your first quiz.

Once we got started it felt really easy. We just walked along, following our very basic instinct and almost never got lost, not until we got to post number 5.

We were REALLY sure what the correct answer was and it said to go left, so left we went. We took every loop and path and turn in that direction and it led us nowhere. I was sure there was a path somewhere that we missed and would lead us out of the maze at the halfway point. Eventually one of the staff who was walking around asked how we were doing, we explained our dilemma and she informed us that we were meant to go RIGHT at the post. I’m still pretty sure the answer to the question was wrong, but sure enough when we found the fifth post again and went right we got out almost right away.

We took the time outside the maze to put our sweaters in the car and then went straight back in to try to conquer the second half. This side seemed fairly simple, we never got really lost. What we did get was covered in mud and toasty warm from the sunshine. It seemed like we were 2 of only a few people that thought ahead enough to wear rubber boots.

Back outside the maze again, having completed it without any issues, we explored the rest of the grounds. I really wanted to go on the jumping pillows but there were too many kids to squash so I didn’t. We checked out the petting zoos inhabitants; pigs, chickens, bunnies, cows and goats. We wanted to play some of the games as well but it was so hard to get near anything with the many families running everywhere.

Eventually we gave up and decided to go home. I’m considering going back again before it closes anyway!

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