
Monday, September 26, 2016

Charlottetown to Moncton

Still a bit tired and certainly still sick we woke up ready to enjoy our first full day.
Our early thoughts led us to breakfast and we couldn't do much until that happened. I was a bit sad to be leaving our tree house but also really excited to get to Charlottetown.

30 minutes down the road we decided to get breakfast from a grocery store instead of eating out, that was a great choice. Not only is it a lot less expensive, but has potential to be a lot healthier. We got fresh fruit and juice as well as mini cereal (circa childhood camping) and milk. We weren't prepared to deal with the heat and humidity quite yet so we enjoyed out feast inside the car in front of the grocery store.
Can I also just say, buying produce in PEI is dreamy. I don't understand how it can be so much cheaper there and look better than ours. A+ PEI

Our full bellies prepared us for an afternoon of adventure through downtown Charlottetown. I was planning on doing a tiny bit of shopping, maybe getting some ice cream and enjoying the all around feeling of this lovely city. I knew how much I loved it from my previous visit 6 years ago.

As it turns out, it really wasn't what I remembered at all. Certain things looked right, but mostly it seemed like a brand new place.
When we eventually found a place to park and started walking it seemed like this whole area had very little to offer, unless you're hungry because then you are set. Restaurants everywhere! Little in way of shopping and tons of traffic.

We took our time walking down the streets and down near the water, then back up and along other streets. We had hoped to go inside Province House for a little history lesson but it seemed to be closed. Not long after that we decided that what we really needed was some Cows ice cream.

At the Cows Creamery factory our excitement returned! We love a good "your face here" photo and that was the first thing we did. And then hugged the big cow...

Inside the factory we did our little self guided tour. It's really just a video and then a hallway with windows where you can watch the staff make ice cream, butter, cheese and screen print T shirts. You can also see the room where the cheese is left to age. You also get a fun paper hat....

When we finished our tour it was off to the shop to buy a little souvenir, in the form of a shirt. That shirt still smells like ice cream and fresh waffle cones. I'm having a hard time convincing myself I should wash it.

And naturally, we got ice cream, the real reason for our visit. For some unknown reason I got apple pie flavor. It was good, but I'm really more of a bubble gum or Oreo kinda girl. We sat outside at a sticky bench in the damp heat and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

In the same area is an Anne of Green Gables chocolate shop and a few other stores. We walked around a few of them, tasted one of the chocolate covered chips and considered lunch before deciding against it.

Some plans changed during the day and as we tried to figure things out and make them go smoothly we decided to leave PEI and spend the night in Moncton. The plans didn't work out but we were both happy to be in Moncton anyway, if for no other reason because we got to stay at the Rodd Moncton again.

I'm telling you here and now that this is THE comfiest bed. Ever. And when you are tired out from a day of travelling, there is nothing better. I actually made a point of asking the lady working at the desk what kind of mattress it was, I love it that much.

After getting checked in we ran back outside in hopes of catching the tidal bore which can be viewed directly behind the hotel. Last year we watched a man surf, this year we didn't see anything, we had missed it by about 2 minutes.

Having skipped lunch in favour of eating ice cream we were both very ready to eat now. Ryan decided ahead of time where we would go and it was a convenient 5 minute walk down the street. Ryan got the steak and potatoes that he desired and I got sweet potato fries and delicious mussels.

After supper we took a walk down Main street, dipped in and out of a few shops and then turned off to Church street (which is actually a street full of beautiful churches.) Since our plans fell through we took our time wandering around before going back to the hotel for a bit.

We didn't stay at the hotel long before we got bored and ventured out again. This time we walked along the river with no destination in mind.

We didn't put this on the bridge, but it was so close that we thought it would be ok to borrow it for this picture. It actually says BRIAN loves Danielle.

Our walk eventually led us to a mall where we spent some more time walking without purpose and finally to a frozen yogurt shop! My favorite!!

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