
Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Nova Scotia 2016 - Bucket List

I don’t think I’ve mentioned on here yet, but after making all kinds of plans for many different locations and finally deciding to visit British Columbia this summer, I’m going to Nova Scotia... again…
We leave September 6th.

I know, I was just there a year ago and I need to visit more new places, which I plan to, but I couldn’t resist!! The East Coast and its ocean call to me in a way that I can’t explain. It’s the place for me and I cannot pretend otherwise.
I do have a secret ulterior motive to going, but that’s irrelevant.

Just like last year, we aren’t making any real plans for our trip, just looking at general areas and what they offer that we may want to experience. The 1 thing we do know is that we will be spending the majority of our time in Cape Breton and if we have extra time (fingers crossed!) then we might go to PEI. There are certain places we want to see or things we want to do, but we won’t decide when or what order to visit or for how long until we arrive.

In no particular order, here are a few things on my Nova Scotia 2016 Bucket List
  1. Eat a whole crab. And all the other seafood.
  2. Hike the Skyline Trail
  3. Drive the entire Cabot Trail
  4. Find a beautiful spot with a beautiful view and have a picnic
  5. Get ON the water! A boat, canoe, kayak or SUP board will do!
  6. Get IN the water
  7. Sleep somewhere unique - I’ve been collecting a list of cool accommodations in NS
  8. Visit the Fortress of Louisbourg
  9. See a sunrise and a sunset
  10. Go to the most northern point of Cape Breton
  11. Don't get a sunburn through the fog

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