
Thursday, June 23, 2016

Crescent Falls 1

Ryan and I finally went on our first camping trip with just the two of us. We went with a group last year and spent almost no time in our site, didn’t really cook at all and never built a fire.

Crescent Falls campground is about three and a half hours from Edmonton. It sits along an ice cold river that drops into 2 waterfalls near the entrance.

When we arrived in the early afternoon we got the important things done first; set up the tent in case it starts to rain and collect wood from the pile. We just bought our tent and this was the first time setting it up. It was really easy, but we didn’t realize when we bought it that the whole top half was just mesh and would only be covered by the fly. Not that we could do anything about it at the moment, but Ryan decided we would have to return it before he ever even went inside.

Once we had everything set up it was time to explore. We walked along the river, threw rocks in, took pictures and enjoyed nature. It wasn’t warm out, but it wasn’t overly cold either. Looking down on the waterfall I tried hard to convince Ryan that we should hike down to the bottom of it but he was having none of that.

Instead of hiking down we walked along the paths close to where we were, the smaller, less walked trails. After a while we hit a dead end of sorts and I happened to notice a tree moving more than what the light breeze would do and with a dark shadow hidden behind it. I decided that it may be a bear, pulled Ryan the other direction at a good walking speed and then when we got back to the parking lot area I acted like nothing happened..  Let’s not have anyone panic.

The rocky banks of the river seemed like a good place to go next. At the back of the campground just behind where we had set up is a beautiful spot to be. Clad in rubber boots now we walked in the water, squished through the mud and tested the current. 

Having seen a few others we felt inspired to make an inuksuk. We found a perfect platform to start building on and then searched the beach for all the right rocks to create it.

Having had our fun for the day and feeling hungry we went back to the camp to make tacos!! Initially I wasn't sure that tacos would make great camping food, but with everything prepped ahead of time all we had to do was cook the meat and assemble.

I was so happy to be back at Crescent Falls. I absolutely love it there!

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