
Monday, May 16, 2016

Scones on Sunday

I know I missed Thursday last week, but my life isn't always super exciting! Sometimes I spend all my free time watching TV! Not always though!

Ryan and I have somewhat of a routine that we go with on Sundays and I’m going to share it with you. I will also share a recipe with you because it’s been so darn long since I did that!

Almost every weekend on Friday or Saturday night, or sometimes both, we pull our mattress out of the bedroom and put it on the living room floor. It still feels just like those “camp outs” I had when I was little. Generally we will go get some snacks, pick a movie and watch it until we fall asleep. This weekend we watched That Thing You Do and Muppet Treasure Island.

I was wide awake at 5:58 on Sunday morning and Ryan was too. We hung out being lazy for a while before I couldn’t resist the call of the cereal any more. At some point while I was eating Ryan proclaimed his exhaustion and passed out again. I joined him for another 2 hours of snoozing before we had to get on with our day.

Once we get up Ryan drags the mattress back to its proper home and I get ready for my Sunday cleaning. Garbage and recycling go out, kitchen and bathroom get cleaned, floors are vacuumed, swept and mopped, dishes are put away, laundry gets washed and put away and all the sheets and towels get washed and changed out. Call me crazy, but I love doing this. Cleaning makes me feel refreshed and pleased.

Usually when we finish cleaning we go get our groceries for the week but we put that off until later this week.

We’ve been doing a little DIY table refinishing and wanted to finish it finally! The table has been living at Ryan’s sister’s house in her garage so we drove over there with our supplies and got to work. The table started out ugly and covered in paint, but in otherwise good condition, it wasn’t being used either making it perfect for us. We have spent the nearly 6 months in our apartment eating on the sofa and it’s getting old.

After 3 or 4 separate trips to sand the table down we were finally able to finish it. Our mutual decision was to leave the top in the nature tone we got from sanding and to use a matte varnish to seal it. The base and legs of the table are painted white. It looks very “farmhouse” style and I really like that.

We left the table behind to dry and went off to get our groceries.

At home we eat freezies, wrestle on the floor like children, watch a bit of TV and then I decide I should bake my scones that I’ve been thinking about all weekend.

Perfect Buttermilk Scones
Makes about 12 small-medium size scones

3 cups – flour
1/3 cup – Granulated sugar
1 tsp – Salt
2.5 tsp – Baking powder
½ tsp – Baking soda
¾ cup – Cold, cubed butter
1 cup – Buttermilk

Preheat the oven to 400F
Lightly grease 1 large cookie sheet
Combine all dry ingredients
Using a fork or pastry cutter add the butter – mixture will be coarse
Make a well in the middle and add the buttermilk
Mix just until combined
(ADD FLAVORS HERE) (Choco chips, cheese, spice, etc..)
Turn dough out onto a flour surface and knead gently
Shape the dough into a round or rectangle and cut into equal sized pieces
(I like doing a rectangle and cutting it into wedges)
Space the wedges evenly apart on the pan and bake for 12-18 minutes
Serve warm!

This is the perfect base recipe for making scones. Really simple and basic, great as is or an awesome starting point to create whatever flavor you desire.

And that is all. We shared a warm scone while watching a few episodes of our current show, House, before bed. I think next time I’m going to make pumpkin and cheddar cheese scones, and probably eat them all before they even get a chance to cool..

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