
Thursday, April 21, 2016

Capsule Wardrobe - Spring edition!

Having lived with my first capsule wardrobe for 3 months now there are a few things I've learned:
  •  It feels pretty much like it did before
  •  Because the items I chose to keep were things I loved, I rarely felt limited
  •  Some tweaks were necessary because Edmonton got unusually warm, unusually early this year
  •  I’ve finally reached the point in life where I want quality over quantity. I’m willing to spend a bit more on pieces that I love and that will actually last. 
And now, because that's how it works, it's time to change it up for the new season! Spring means lighter fabric, brighter colors and retiring some of the heavy and warm clothes until they are needed again.

I started shopping around for new items near the end of March. Mostly just browsing online, seeing what was out there.
Eventually I did order a few things from one of my favorite online shops; Modcloth. I told myself that if I didn’t completely LOVE the things I got they would have to go back. I’m leaving no space in my closet for things that don’t make me feel great.
Early in April after the package arrived and I decided on what would stay and what would go, I did a bit more shopping around here to find other pieces.

My spring time additions:
-[Modcloth] Blue striped sleeveless top

-[Modcloth] Grey polka-dot top --> Sent back (Super cute, but looks like a maternity top on me..)

-[Modcloth] Plaid sleeveless top --> Sent back (Didn't fit)

-[Modcloth] Blue top --> Sent back (Not what I expected)

-[J Crew] Anchor button-down

-[Lululemon] Black leggings
-[Reebok] Colorful running shoes (Similar)

 -Black slit-side T-shirt

Things I would still like to add:
  • Comfy casual shoes (Converse)
  • Nice flats for work
  • Ankle boots
-2 more tops:
  • Light fabric, colorful, short sleeves or sleeveless, maybe ¾ sleeve

All of my mitts/scarves/hats have been put away, my winter jacket is out of sight and my boots have no other home so they are organized but still out. Most of my sweaters are put away too.

Unfortunately some of my favorite items have seen better days and it’s looking like time for them to go. I’m going to have to say goodbye to at least 2 pairs of shoes, 1 pair of boots and a few tops. I suppose when you have clear favorites that you wear constantly for several years the time will eventually come when they just don’t cut it anymore. I had a pile of clothes sitting on my floor for a while now too, trying to convince myself I would still wear them and I haven't. They will all finally be going as well!

My final item count for spring is 30 items!

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