
Monday, August 17, 2015

{East Coast 10}

Today we planned to drive up the Digby Neck and possibly see the balancing rock and Briers Island. 

We left fairly early in the morning thinking it would be a long day of driving, but realized pretty quickly from the signs that it would actually not take long at all to drive the neck. 
Neither of us really knew what we would do or see so we just followed the one main road. 

Our first stop of the day was down a dirt road that claimed to have a look off point. We expected to see a parking area or at least another sign, but we just hit a dead end eventually. I'm not sure if we were parked on a road or someones property, but that is where we left the Jeep. We walked down to the beach to walk around first but it had a really nasty low tide smell so I ran away. 

From there we went in search of the alleged look off. I found a walking path in the grass and we decided to follow it. Once we made it through the puddles we found ourselves at the top of a cliff overlooking the ocean. 

As is normal for us, we climbed on rocks, took pictures and generally enjoyed our surroundings. 

I really can't get enough of Nova Scotia. I have plans to live there eventually and every new adventure makes me more excited for that day!

Back at the car we continued our trip up the road. 
Another beach or 2 were explored, sea glass was collected and soft shell crabs were photographed. I find crab shells on the beaches all the time, but I've been waiting impatiently to see a live one scuttling about. 

At the end of the road is a ferry that would take us across the short gap to the next piece of the neck. We didn't end up taking it though because neither of us are fond of ferries. Realistically we would have been on board for about 3 minutes though... Instead we turned around and headed back to Digby for lunch. 
I finally got my Digby seafood. 

During lunch it started pouring rain and left us wondering what to do with the rest of our day. We had been talking about going to Kejimkujik National Park for some hiking but that would be no good in the rain. 
We eventually decided to drive to Annapolis Royal since it would be our next destination anyway. It's a short 30 minute drive between the 2 and so it was raining just as hard when we arrived. Everything I had thought of or planned for in Annapolis was outdoors so we couldn't even do it. 
Feeling no major attraction to staying here and waiting out the rain we decided to continue on again. This time to Kentville. 

R's friend that we spent time with in Barrington lives in the Kentville area so we arranged to meet up with him. He had the idea to go on a mini driving tour of the area and that was just perfect. He showed us some good places to eat, where to get fresh made ice cream, places to see, things to do..

Eventually we ended on top of another look off point. It was pretty amazing. We could see  the beautiful green space in the Annapolis Valley, the vineyards, orchards, towns and the ocean.
Once we'd all had our fill of the view we headed back to his apartment where we sat and talked for several hours until we were all ready to sleep.

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