
Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Luckiest Day {East Coast 1}

After 3 months of planning and waiting, the day finally arrived. I've been wanting to go back to the east coast ever since I visited 3 years ago.

The initial plan was to try and see as much of Nova Scotia as possible in our 2 weeks and squeeze in a little time for New Brunswick as well. Before we left we decided that would be too rushed and so we changed up our plans. A few days in New Brunswick and then a more relaxed, leisurely trip around the southern half of Nova Scotia.

Our flight from Edmonton Left just before midnight on Saturday and was to arrive at 7am on Sunday. In theory this was a great flight. Get on, go to sleep, wake up in a new place and time zone and then just get on with the trip bright and early in the morning. And since I don't mind flying at all, I was quite looking forward to this.
Wrong. It actually happened where we got in the sardine can, sat uncomfortably, tried and failed to sleep, got off the plane feeling like it's 4am and then had to find our rental car and drive all the way from Halifax to Moncton. On the bright side, we landed half an hour early!

Our next bit of good luck came at the rental place. We had booked a little economy car because we don't need much extra space and it was cheap, but none were ready to go when we got there so we got a free upgrade to a 2015 Jeep Cherokee with only 21km on it! 

The initial excitment of arriving and getting our Jeep (+ Tim Hortons) kept us going on the 2.5 hour drive, but not long after arriving in Moncton that all started to wear off and we were ready to crash. Since it was only 11:30 when we arrived we couldn't get into a hotel room at the first few places we tried. We finally found a hotel with space and that would allow us to check-in right away so we rushed over. But by the time we arrived they had given away the room we called about!! Not to worry though, we got our second free upgrade of the day!! Standard room up to executive king! I probably could have stayed in that bed forever! 

After a rather long mid-day nap we got up and went for buffet supper at the casino. They have free memberships there and it gets you $5 off your meal so we did that first and then proceeded to eat to much. I'm pretty sure you are supposed to eat to much at buffets though, it's practically a rule. 
Still feeling pretty lucky we figured we should play while we were in the casino. 
2 rules. We only spend $5 and we cash out with any significant winnings. 
We found ourselves a penny machine and got started. It took almost no time at all and we were sitting back letting our 18 free spins play themselves out. In the end we won $50 and walked away very pleased!

To end our first day we walked around downtown Moncton where R pointed out this or that. He used to live there so he knows all the good places.

Before going back to the hotel for more sleep we watched the tidal bore! I had seen how high and low the water gets before, but I never watched the water rush in. It's pretty cool and I definitely recommend everyone see's it atleast once in their life. We even watched someone surfing it!!

More soon!

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