
Monday, May 4, 2015

I'll just snorkel home {Hawaii 8}

It was our last day in the Hawaiian sunshine, and there wasn't actually much sun. I wasn't about to let that stop me from enjoying it though!!

Once everyone was mostly packed, the groceries were eaten and the house was clean we took off on our last adventure. But, naturally we made a quick stop for juice and smoothie bowls before actually getting anywhere. It was obviously extremely important that we have one last bowl. 

Since it was closed yesterday we had to come back to Hanauma Bay today. The bay is a marine life conservation area and a state park. It's $1 to park and $7.50 per person for admission. After so many years of being open and seeing about 1 million guests per year the coral was starting to get damaged. Now they make everyone watch an education video before they let you through the big steel door and onto the beach. 

Being that it was a pretty overcast day no one else wanted to go in the water so I took my GoPro and went exploring by myself. 
All kinds of fish were swimming around me, completely unfazed and not terribly interested in why I was there. They just do there fishy thing and let me film them. 



I didn't end up snorkeling but I had fun anyway. 
We couldn't stay to long because we had a few last things to squeeze into the day before we needed to go to the airport. 

Everyone else wanted to go to Duke's for lunch and then shop down the strip again. I didn't find the food to be anything special but the restaurant is right on the beach so it makes for good people watching and a buzzy atmosphere. 


And that was it. All that we had to do was collect our bags from the house, return the rental car and get to the airport. 
We got lost twice trying to find the car return place. 
Waited in line for about an hour to get through security. 
And boarded our plane half an hour late. 

It's all in the adventure I suppose!!

I managed to sleep for about half of the first flight and then we hit some turbulence and I was awake. It certainly wasn't the most pleasant flight I've ever been on, but it could be worse for sure. 
By the time we landed in Vancouver we had just enough time to go through security and customs again before boarding our second plane. 
With the long day, time change and the turbulence I wanted nothing to do with flying, but you've gotta do what you've gotta do! 

Landing in Edmonton was the sweetest feeling, no more lines or flying! I was motion sick just from walking at this point though..

And that's the end of our beautiful adventure! I can't wait for my next one!!

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