
Sunday, April 12, 2015

Standing and falling and burning {Hawaii 6}

I know I said before that we didn't just want a beach vacation, but I really wanted to do some water sports. Scuba diving or snorkelling especially, and I we also wanted to try stand up paddle boarding. 
Lanikai Beach in Kailua is rated as one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Perfect white sand and beautiful turquoise water. From the beach you can see 3 tiny islands, all of which you can get a permit and go out to.

After a very long walk in our bikinis and bare feet, Weronika and I finally found a place that rents paddle boards. We got 2 to share amongst the girls.

I think we were about ready to fall over by the time we actually got the boards in the water, they were pretty heavy and it was an absolute scorcher of a day. In theory, it's the perfect beach day but in reality, you are just asking for a wicked burn. 

Anyway, Weronika and I took the boards out first and headed off for the nearest island. I think it was called Flat Island, and that would make sense. Its a totally flat little rock with a perfect tiny beach for getting off the boards and kayaks.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. We first had to get there. If you are unfamiliar with stand up paddle boarding, its essentially like a big fat surf board. The idea is that you stand up and paddle to where you want to go, instead of relying on the waves to take you there. 
To get started you lay on your tummy and the get up onto your knees. Once it's comfortable there you simply pop up onto your feet and away you go. 
Let me just tell you, it is MUCH harder than that. I was feeling confident, I had a nice thing going paddling from my knees and then POP! I was standing!!! For about 0.5 seconds before I fell off the baord into the ocean. 
I suppose thats all in the fun of it though.. I decided I would just stick to the knees for a while and focus on getting to the island. It takes about 10 minutes of paddling to get out there.

Flat Island is a bird sanctuary so you can't go beyond the path around the edges. It's a beautiful little place, but my favorite part was seeing the mainland from a different perspective. 

Since we were sharing the boards we had to go back and let the other girls ahve their turns too. Not to mention I was in pretty desperate need of more sunscreen.

Grace didn't want to paddle so when Alycia and Rachel got back Weronika and I were ready to get back out there. 
Weronika brought a waterproof speaker box to the beach and we had the brilliant idea to use it as phone transport to the island so we could take some pictures. The phones go inside and the latch seals the edges so no water can get in. She was willing to do it, but wasn't 100% sure that it would be fully waterproof if it fell in the ocean. Don't worry, it floats too. 
We decided that the best way to do it would be hooking the box to the ties at the back of her bikini top so it was away from the water. Another great idea in theory. In reality I'm pretty sure she was nearly flashing anyone who happened to look. 

The important part was that us and our phones made it to the island safe and dry. I attempted to stand a few more times along the way but quickly dropped back to my knees when I felt like I was going to topple.

During our photo session I saw a big crab too. I was obviously very excited.

Satisfied that we captured everything and ready to find some shade we headed back. I actually managed to stand and paddle for a bit this time too!!! Not for long, but I'm still taking it as a paddle boarding victory.

Everyone got packed up, the boards got returned and we got food. All the while everyone was starting to notice the little twinges if pain. 

Back at our house we quickly realized that every one of us had a pretty wicked burn somewhere on our bodies... or lots of places.. 
Alycia has beautiful tan skin to begin with and she's never had a sunburn before so she was unfamiliar with the hellish pain that goes with it. Poor girl got the worst burns out of everyone. 

I, on the other hand, am basically the whitest person ever. I'm a lovely shade of transparent and veins.. I have all the traits of a ginger except the hair. Pale skin, freckles, sensitive eyes, burn easily... Basically what I'm telling you is that I got burned. Badly. And in silly little places all over because of the weird cut of my bathing suit and apparent inability to apply sunscreen appropriately. Oops..

We stopped to buy aloe vera on our way home and opted for a spray version containing lidocaine. As it turns out, some people don't react well to it and it actually makes the burn hurt more. I don't recommend it..

Hot and sore and exhausted everyone eventually found a reasonably comfortable position to sleep and passed out. 

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