
Monday, April 6, 2015

Mud {Hawaii 3}

Long before we ever made it to the island, the 5 of us decided that we didn't want a typical beach holiday where we just sit around. I think the number one thing that we all agreed on was that we wanted to do some hiking.
Today is the day that happened. 

We originally drove to Diamond Head to do the hike there, but it was crazy busy and packed with tourists in every direction so we decided against it. Using the ever useful iPhone we found ourselves another hiking trail that looked much more exciting. 

Maunawili falls trail is a short drive from Honolulu in a beautiful small town. Google tells me that the trail is 3.2 km and should take 1-3 hours to complete. I think including the stops for pictures and playing in the waterfall at the end it took us about 2 hours round trip. 

The actual trail is almost all mud and roots. It makes it a bit more difficult but a lot more fun. Some parts of the trail are fully covered by the forest and others have the most amazing views as you pop out on top of a mountain. We also had to cross the river 4 or 5 times along the path. Most people just walk right through the water with their shoes on but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I'd just be asking for sore feet and blisters. The first time across I took my shoes off and walked through but that just took to much time so the next crossings I jumped from rock to rock. Realistically, it probably took more time finding dry, safe routes across the rocks, but it was a lot of fun. 

At the end of the trail is the prize. A waterfall with a ledge perfect for jumping from. Only Weronika and Grace actually went in though. Them and a few other groups. I didn't trust putting my camera down and wasn't super keen on hiking back in wet clothes. 
Once we got back to our rental car we quickly came to the realization that we couldn't get in wet and covered in mud. All the shoes went in the truck on a board, we washed off the mud with our water bottles and everyone sat on towels.

I think at this point everyone was needing food but not one of us was in any shape to go into a restaurant. 

Having been home to shower and change our next destination was Waikiki for supper. Being that it was Friday night every street, shop and restaurant was packed. We waited almost 2 hours to get in for food. While we were waiting we acquired some joiners and ate with them. 
My phone also went for a (clean water) toilet swim... oh joy

After supper Weronika and Alycia decided they wanted a night out, but I don't like the bar and Rachel and Grace are underage in the USA so I took them home. And by took them home I obviously mean that we drove around hopelessly lost for a long while before ever getting there. And making a stop to buy rice for my poor wet phone. 

And then the day ended.

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