
Sunday, November 2, 2014

Dear, Deer. Happy Halloween!

As much as I love to dress up, I've never been a huge Halloween person. Not since it stopped being appropriate to trick-or-treat. You're lying if you say Halloween is about anything other than candy. 
This year I felt like I wanted to dress up and enjoy myself. I had a few people over for games and drinks. Drinks for them, not me. We had lots of fun. 

Here's a little look inside my Halloween costume. It took me about an hour to get ready. 
Curling my hair to make it big and wild first. 

Then putting my deer face on. I really have no idea why this is what I wanted to be but there was nothing else. 

I made the big poofy skirt with brown and white tulle. You can't see the white in the pictures because it in the back. I was a "white tailed" deer! I put fake leaves down one side for some detail too. 

Since all you can see here is her super cute face you're missing out on Leah's clever costume. She was bloody and wrapped in saran wrap, a Dexter victim! 

When I make any costumes I look for a lot of reference pictures to inspire me. Here are a few. 

The base of my antlers is wire wrapped into the basic shape, it's covered in kids clay and painted. Then attached to a basic headband. I added a few frosty leaves and berries for detail. 

Here's the finished piece!

Now I can start another cosplay project for Calgary Comic Expo in April!!

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