
Saturday, October 11, 2014

Pumpkin Pie!

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, and Autumn, I was in the mood to bake some pies. 
Pumpkin and Apple. I wanted to do Saskatoon berry too but that didn't happen. 
And guess what?!!! I made the pumpkin pie out of... A PUMPKIN!!!
This was my first time making it this way and it turned out really well. It was also surprisingly easy, although somewhat time consuming. 

Here's how

You will need:

1 medium pie/sugar pumpkin

Cut the pumpkin in half and scoop out all the seeds and guts, but keep those seeds!
Place the halves face down on a foil lined baking sheet

Bake at 350F for 1 hour
The pumpkin is done when it can be pierced with a fork
Peel the skin off 

All the mushy pumpkin can be puréed in a food processor or with an immersion blender

You'll notice the purée is very watery, this won't work for a pie. 
If you are fancy (read: know where to buy cheesecloth) then it can be left to drain in that, if not, find another way. I bought a mesh screen meant to prevent food splatter in the microwave and that worked perfectly. 
If you are patient or in no hurry, leave the pumpkin to drain on its own, if patience isn't one of your virtues I recommend gently squeezing the pumpkin filled mesh. Much faster. 

I would guess that I got about 4-5 cups of liquid from the pumpkin. 
I have no specific plans for it, but I intend to make something delicious with that liquid! I suppose it can replace the water in any recipe that I want to pumpkin flavor. 

On to the pie now!
You need:

2c pumpkin purée 
3/4c packed brown sugar
1 12oz can evaporated milk
1/2 tsp salt
2 eggs + 1 egg yolk
2 tsp pumpkin pie spice

Mix the dry ingredients
Add the fresh pumpkin purée
Beat the eggs and then pour them in 
Splash in the evaporated milk and mix thoroughly
Now fill up the pie crust and slide it in the oven. 
Centre rack for 10 minutes at 450F then 20-30 minutes at 350F
The pie is done when a knife to the centre comes out MOSTLY clean

Let's not forget about those seeds now! 
They might not be needed for the actual pie, but they make a delicious snack. 

Once the seeds are removed from the gooey stringy bits they should be rinsed and left to dry for a bit. 
When they are dry add a drizzle of olive oil and whatever spices or seasoning you desire. I used coarse sea salt and fresh dill. Shake the dish around so everyone gets nicely coated and flavoured. 
I put mine on a baking sheet on the bottom rack of the oven for the last 10 minutes that the pie was in. 
If you are roasting them separately the oven should be 350F 
They are best when slightly golden brown so just let them go until then. 

On top of having a delicious pie and tasty roasted seeds, I also have leftover liquid, purée and pie filling! I can be domesticated on demand!!! I labeled and put all the leftovers in the freezer for future food making endeavours. 
Who wants to come over for pie??

Happy Thanksgiving!

Any suggestions on what to do with my pumpkin liquid would be greatly appreciated as well!
And for anyone who spied the apple pie in the background, that post is still in the oven. Be patient!

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