
Monday, October 27, 2014


Having just changed my hair for the first time in 4 years I thought we would take a look back at the evolution of my hair. 

I have been all over the board with both color and cuts. Very short to very long and everything in between. "Blonde" to red, brown, black, copper, multicoloured, funky colors and au natural. 
These days I also wear wigs, I have a turquoise one and a bubble gum pink one. 
My real hair is natural copper brown but I've added green and purple chunks to it. Subtle, but still fun. 

Sailor Baby Dani. Baby hair. 1992

Very pixelated, picture circa 2008-2009 ish.. Dark with bangs. 

Red headed princess. 2008 copper hair. 

Orange chunk from hair school. 

Very short. I was a hair model in a show. A man cut, coloured and styled my hair on stage. I had no mirror. It was scary. 

Asymmetrical, very short and I loved it. Until I didn't. 

Still short, but longer than before. Very orange. Possibly my favorite color on myself. I wish I was born a fiery ginger. 

Symmetrical again, plain brown, bangs and the last major cut I've had. 2010 I believe. 

Getting longer, natural color. 

Longer still. 2012. 

Even longer. 2013 when I got home from Europe. 

Sailor Scout wig. I want to wear it all the time. 

My Little Pony wig. I love this one too. 

Very long, all virgin and just lovely. If I do say so myself...

Green chunk. I have 5 pieces of green and 5-6 purple. 

Current. If you look close, you can see the purple and green. Natural texture, still very long and I'm loving it! 

You all know by now how much I like to look back. 
What's the craziest thing you've done with your hair??


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