
Saturday, July 19, 2014

Roasted red pepper and zucchini hummus

I've been wanting to try making a paleo hummus for quite a while now and I finally found some recipes that I like. Most have a cauliflower base, but I wanted something else. 

Zucchini. It sounded like the perfect thing. And I love zucchini. And for extra deliciousness, and because I've been wanting to make roasted red peppers, I added those too. 

This recipe is mine. I got ideas and general measurements from a few other places, but ultimately it is mine and therefore to my tastes. 

Here it is. 
You will need: 

1 roasted red pepper (homemade or store bought)
1/2 large zucchini
1/2 cup tahini
1/4 cup lemon
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
Garlic powder
Salt and pepper (all spices are to taste, add what you like.)

This recipe made about 3-4 cups of hummus. 

Start by putting the pepper and zucchini in a food processor. 
Once those are well chopped add the tahini, lemon and evoo. 
Add the spices last and adjust to taste. 

I am storing mine in a mason jar in the fridge. 

I think this would be even more delicious with a spicy element. Maybe a hot pepper, spices or a chili thrown in. 
Enjoy it any way that you would eat hummus. Spread it on a sandwich, dip veggies or pita chips.. Or eat it with a spoon........


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