
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Dear Me: 10

Having just spent some time with a whole lot of 15-16 year old's in my drivers training class, I was thinking about what I was like at that age, and other ages. This is a "Dear Me" series. Do you think you would be a different person if you could go tell yourself things? Or would young you laugh and walk away because they knew everything?  I probably would have walked away. I'm going to tell my little self anyway, only because she will never read this. I don't think I would realistically change much if I could, life as it has been made me who I am today. 

Today I want to tell my very young and 10 year old self a few things. Keep coming back and you might see what else I have to say to my slightly older self. 

Dearest little me, I know it's so hard right now and it hurts to leave your home, your mama and extended family and to move in with new people. These people will be your family too and it will turn out ok eventually. You don't have to torture them. Everyone who you don't see as often still loves you just the same and you will still see them, I promise. Let's not dwell on that time though, you're strong enough to get through it. 

You're ten years old now. How fantastic is that? 10 will always be one of your best years.
Grandma and Grandpa are taking you and the brothers to Disneyland! 
You are doing well in school because you still like it. 
You have some good friends, those same ones you have been friends with since grade 4. Those girls are the best, don't lose them. Except that one, she'll be trouble. 
I know you love yourself and you have so much confidence, try to hold onto it, it's easy to let it slip away. I also know how much you love to be taller and stronger than the boys, those 6 pack abs and biceps give you a lot of happiness, don't get used to them though. The boys will be taller and they will be stronger and everything will still be okay. Very soon you will have curves and boobs and a round bum, don't sweat it, you'll grow into them.
Junior high is coming up fast now, next year will be a new world. You will do great. I would love if you kept those smarts and used them through the rest of your education though. 
Let's not get to far ahead of ourselves though. Believe it or not, you are still a child and you should treasure this time. You are free and happy and those are some of the most important things to be. Think about your future, but don't run towards it too fast.

And one last thing, I love you just how you are. 

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