
Friday, December 20, 2013


I'm hoping in the new year I can allow myself more time for more workouts. I have never been a gym person, so I have to find classes that I will actually enjoy and that have a teacher to keep me going.

That being said, I've made myself a list of classes or activities I want to try in 2014. 
Here it is : (and no, this isn't a stupid New Years resolution to be a better me. December is just to expensive as it is.)

I am really looking forward to starting the kickboxing class I did a trial for last month. It was an amazing workout, reasonably priced and self defence lessons all in one. 
30 minute hit kickboxing circuit

Considering it was my life goal as a child to be a ballerina, how could I not want to try this?? The workout is based around a ballet barre and works the body in a way that dance, yoga and Pilates combined would. Low impact but effective. 
Barre body studio - ballet workouts

I would like to start running again, but that may wait until summer.. If I could run outside all year I would but I'd break my ankles on all the stupid winter ice. And let me just say, there are few things I hate more than falling on ice. 

I also do yoga all year round. Chad and I do a hatha class once a week near where we live and have been for a few years now. I think I might branch out and try some other kinds of yoga now. I would especially love to try aerial yoga...

Or aerial arts in general. Silks perhaps??

Continuing on, some other things, less for exercise and more for fun and getting out, I would love to do archery and rock climbing. 

Then let's put all these things together and I will be a super ass kicking machine.. Maybe I'll become a super hero or something.... 

Yes, I do love Arrow. I mean.. How could you not????


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