
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

1 year

Well, it's hard to believe for me, but 1 year ago today I was getting off a ferry that sailed across the sea from my Greece to Italy.  My last glimpse of beautiful Greece and huge anticipation for everything to come. Rome would soon be mine! 

When we did finally make it into Rome on the train and find a hostel, that was when the travel adventure really begin. That adventure stretched out for two of the best months of my life. Thinking back on them, some of those experiences don't even seem real. 
I went underground in the coliseum??
I stood in the shadow of the acropolis?
I visited Versailles, Eiffel and Arc de Triomphe.. Not to mention Disneyland Paris! 
We chased the stories of Jack the Ripper through London. 
Belgian waffles in Belgium and Swiss chocolate in Switzerland?! Yum. 
Followed the story line of The Sound of Music movie through Austria and learned about the real story. 
Plumped up on sausage and mulled wine at Christmas markets in Austria, Germany, Denmark, Belgium and France. 

Of course we did and saw so much more, but it would take me ages to relive it all right here for you. Go back to the very beginning of my blog and you can read all about it! 
Every bit of this trip, the whole 5 months, not just the last 2 have changed things for me so much. I have such a thirst for the world. I want to see it all, bury my toes in the sands, swim in the seas, climb the hills. Visit the temples, ruins, monasteries, cities, villages.. I want to meet the people, hear their languages and taste their food. I want it all. 

Can we go now??

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