
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Flashing lights

It happened. I got my lightsaber. Chad has had one for a long while now and he loves it and he decided I should have my own so we can battle in the living room.  I told him I only wanted it if it was pink.

Well, technically it's clear/silvery, but I also got discs to change the colour. I can pretty much make it any colour I want. Pink, green, blue, purple, yellow, orange, red... I can even make hybrids by mixing discs. Some sabers make sound but that costs significantly more so we opted to order ones without. 

Very quickly after opening the package and choosing my colour we got right down to the battling. Naturally, I kicked his ass... Maybe.. Or maybe not......

Chads green and mine without a colour disc. 
The colour here isn't quite true to what it looks like but it'll do. 


The sabers came from, check it out!

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