
Friday, September 6, 2013

Paleo week 4

Week 4 went quite well at first, and then went quickly down hill. All the way down the hill.

Of course, I tried some new foods again, made things up, looked up recipes, stalked pinterest for food ideas when I should have been sleeping, etc.. This is nothing new.
What is, is my being a hungry hungry hippo ALL THE TIME! Honestly, it's a bit irritating when you want to just go about your day and live your life but all you can think about is food. This is really not ideal for me. The whole point of changing the way I approached food and the kinds of foods I'm eating, was so that I didn't feel like food ruled my life. This week, it ruled. With an iron fist.
"Feed me now!" The belly would say, and I would.
5 minutes later, "Feed me again, woman!!!" And I wouldn't, even though I wanted to. You can only eat so much at once and you can only take so many breaks at work to go eat.
Enough is enough. Water would have to do. Take it or leave it, Hippo.

By the end of the week I caved and went for real food. Cheating all the way. I still feel no guilt about this, If it keeps me sane and makes me full for a little longer, I'll take it. But then I did it again and again and before I knew it, the whole weekend was pretty much a cheat. Oh well.
The "time off" from thoughts of what to eat made me feel so much better, even though the food itself did not make me feel spectacular.

On to the food of the week. 
After going to the mall on Tuesday and smelling the bit of heaven that is Cinnzeo cinnamon buns, I was wanting one sooo bad. I did manage to resist but when I got home I went right to researching a paleo version. Nothing will ever be quite like that without any actual sugar, but I did have a pretty delicious microwave teacup cake. The perfect invention. Single serving, made in 5 minutes and delicious. Other than the actual cinnamon bun at the mall, I'm not sure what more I could ask for. 

I also made baked zucchini (my current obsession) and eggplant topped with ground elk meat sauce. Very tasty. 

A few other little updates. I started feeling a cold coming on this week. I think probably from the changes I've made with everything since I don't see how it can be weather related at the moment. Nothing a little ColdFx can't fix. It saves me every time!

I also started counting calories some. Not in the usual way like when people try to control the intake to lose weight, but instead I was making sure I'm getting enough calories. I've found it hard on some days to eat enough. With so many of my calories previously going to grain and dairy, I've had to work really hard to make enough other food to fill that space. It's a work in progress for sure.

And that's 1 month in! The transition should technically be over, but considering my cheating I don't really think it is. I'll keep working and easing in.

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