
Sunday, September 1, 2013

Paleo week 3

At the beginning of the week I was finally feeling like I had the energy and I felt ok enough to run again. Finally! I wanted to during week 2 but I felt like I would probably pass out from how bad my headaches are.
Not to say this week was pain free. Monday to Friday went quite well but my head was feeling angry again on Saturday and Sunday. Damn sugar!

My energy levels were definitely up and I am still feeling really good about the decision to get into this. That being said, I kind of cheated. Kind of a lot. Just for 1 special occasion meal though. No guilt here.
For Chad's birthday I took him out for dinner and I really just wanted us to enjoy without any fuss. I had food I love, a little dessert and then that was all. I went home to bed, woke up the next day and went back to my new eating patterns. I have to admit though, I didn't feel super great after eating things I had cut out. Honestly, I really am ok with that. Once in a while you just need to live.

As with previous weeks, I tried out some new recipes and foods and made some things from scratch.

I tried acorn squash for the first time and mostly enjoyed it. The skin is a bit waxy for my liking though.
How do I go about making squash/yams/sweet potatoes crispy in the oven instead of getting soft??

Moving on, I was also trying to decide what to do with my open carton of coconut milk and so I made a few smoothies and some "ice cream." Both very tasty.
For the smoothie, coconut milk, honey, banana and berries in a blender and BAM! Tasty health goodness.
For the ice cream, Banana, coconut milk, honey and cashews in the blender then in the freezer. This would work much better in a popsicle tray because it becomes quite hard as opposed to creamy like real ice cream.

Next, I was finally able to find bacon with no sugar in it!! Such exciting stuff!

I made 2 tomato dishes. The first was a meat sauce for "pasta" with ground elk, bacon, mushrooms, crushed tomatoes and tomato paste. Plus a little this or that.
With the left over tomato stuff, I also made ketchup. Its super tasty! I had it with baked yam wedges.

Next week will be over soon and that's 1 month in.
The future looks bright and healthy!


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