
Friday, August 2, 2013

Hoodoos and bridges

Day 2 of "camping" in Drumheller started off not as most camp trips start, with breakfast made on a little camp stove, but instead started with a drive to Tim Hortons.. naughty.

After breakfast and coffee for Chad we headed right out.
First stop, Hoodoos!

Basically, if you don't know what a hoodoo is, imagine a sandstone mushroom...... yeah, that's pretty much it.
The hoodoos have been naturally shaped by wind and time and stand proudly in the hills outside Drumheller. As a huge tourist draw they are roped off so not to be destroyed by the crowds of people that come to see them. The surrounding hills and all around them make a nice little climb though.

Next we took a little drive to the suspension bridge that is near by. I'm pretty sure the bridge is somehow related to mining but that's about all I could tell you. It's very long and I'm sure it isn't much fun to walk on if some obnoxious person swings it or starts to jump. I would have had to beat that person.

Once across we did some more climbing and found ourselves a perfect little lookout from the top of the hill. Mostly I just spread my arms, closed my eyes and allowed the wind to have it's way with my hair. It was like flying. of course, what goes up must come down and it's no exception for Dani's so down I went. Back across the bridge and off to camp.

It seems our fire starting skills have become a little rusty in our time away from camping so we figured we should give ourself enough time and sunlight to get things happening before we couldn't get a hotdog (read: marshmallow) roast in.
Much more successfully than our first night we eventually had a good fire happening, a potato baking away in the embers and hotdogs on sticks.

And in case you were wondering, that potato turned out wonderfully. I smuthered it in cheese and gave it some beef jerky bits. Mmmmm


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